Study Abroad with Communities Connect

Check out what our students have to say about their recent trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Combatting Inequality Through Education

Working together to link communities.

Projects, Volunteering, Experteering

Working With Communities

Stretch your limits, learn proven frameworks to create change, and connect with leaders building a future that works for everyone. Communities Connect brings together innovators, leaders, activists and scholars from across the world to volunteer and experteer with the most intriguing, cutting edge organizations working on environmental issues, peacebuilding and development to initiate the positive change and improve lives of the communities.

Customized Group Tours

Awesome and inspiring experiential learning

Many of us are students all our lives seeking meaning not only in cultural riches and ancient monuments of the world, but in conversations with people, their art and music. Our tours bring learning to life by transporting participants to the local context where they can engage with political, academic, civil society and religious leaders. Moreover, our tours are unique as they provide an opportunity to soak up the culture by going to places where the locals go and not those marked by Trip Advisor.

Open Tours

Interested in joining an already existing CC group tour?

Communities Connect open tours are perfect for both solo travelers and couples. The open tours feature many exciting destinations, engaging with local culture and people, special access to exclusive speakers and places, socially responsible business model, and so much more.

Start exploring our open tours, and get one step closer to making your travel dreams come true!